Friday, July 16, 2010


The other day I came across an adage which I believe will never forget for a lifetime, quoted by G.K.Chesterton that says
"Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated.”
It got me baffled for minute, putting me to think as to which state we civil animals belong to?? A democratic nation sounds so much like a state with a deaf leader followed by blind supporters while on the other hand An Aristocratic state sounds so much like a bald man proudly flaunting his comb in front of unrefined populace.
Don’t you think there’s a bit of both within us, MUMBAIKARS??? On one hand we proudly flaunt our independence while on the other hand we are negligent about our fundamental rights entitled to. Are we even aware of the fundamental rights, except for freedom of speech or freedom of equality????
I hereby, salute our ignorance and audacity to mold our fundamental rights according to our ease….The fact is we do not have 6 fundamental rights but 7….Seventh being the “FREEDOM OF DISORDER”…Wonder how and when was it initiated but its being pursued religiously and candidly by all.
We litter, we break rules, we do things we know we are not supposed to, and if questioned and corrected we exclaim it to be our fundamental right….How true, its our so called Seventh fundamental right that is the “FREEDOM TO DISORDER”
Well am sure, most of us MUMBAIKARS must be wondering what are the benefits we reap from this seventh fundamental right…well many actually like:-

• Right to spit anywhere as per our convenience

• Right to break traffic rules

• Right to litter or dump garbage anywhere as per our convenience no matter if we have respective bins around.

• Right to jump the queue

• Right to urinate on public property. Again as per our convenience.

• And many other privileges that adds to bringing about disorder in Mumbai, making it much a better place live.

How incredibly exciting, is’nt it MUMBAIKARs????? Am loving it already and so are you.

Its all about BEING an URBANE HUMAN and not just a human.

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